Ibanez RG7421 Reviews

Ibanez RG7421
List Price: $749.99
Paid: $549.99
This is an amazing guitar! Being my first seven string I really don't have much to compare it to, but this guitar plays beautifully. On first inspection, no flaws what so ever. Opened the box, and it was in tune :). I was assuming that the neck would be a little out of place and that I would have to adjust, but the factory had set it up very nicely.

This new seven string is supposed to be exactly like the Rg7621/20 except for the pickups, but I can't see any flaws in them (though I don't think I would really use this guitar for clean stuff) Even though Ibanez took an incredibly long time getting this to Musician's Friend, and then them taking forever to send it to me, it is well worth the wait, and I would do it again. Making the seven string more accessible to people is great! Way to go Ibanez!!! Alex Day days@bendcable.com
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